Why am I here? What am I called to do? Why do people suffer? Why do people die? Is there an after-life? Does it matter? Does God exist? Why does God allow suffering? Am I to blame for the suffering I’ve encountered? What should I be doing with my life? Individual and Group Spiritual Discernment sessions explore these questions and more. The search for purpose and meaning seems to be part of the human condition. We are all seekers on a journey through life. The Sacred Breeze approach to Spiritual Discernment is one of open-minded listening, and accompanying the seeker on a journey of discovery from a Spiritual perspective, rooted in the individual’s understanding and experience of Spirituality. While our team members have education, training, and experience in a variety of religions, cultures, and spiritual perspectives, we do not proselytize an behalf of any particular religion or culture. Our role is to act as companions along the journey. For more information on our Spiritual Discernment services, explore our Individual and Group pages below.

The Spiritual Discernment individual session creates a sacred, safe space for discussing the mysteries of life and existence. While no a substitute for clinical therapy, existential issues such as suffering and loss are often explored. As a person matures over time, Spiritual lessons learned early in life often need space to grow and evolve as […]

Like individual sessions, Spiritual Discernment groups offer a sacred space to explore life’s mysteries. Groups provide added dimensions of learning about how others encounter and interpret Spirit, tradition, and religion. Groups also provide an economical way to explore Spiritual Discernment. Under the leadership of an experienced SD Leader, SD groups can also be fun! Groups […]