Please click image to view video. If you look at our website at Sacredbreeze.org, you may notice that we are not specifically Christian, not specifically Buddhist, in fact not specifically anything other than Spirit centered. Our goal is not to build a new faith. Our goal is to seek out and embrace the Spirit of […]
Our first Sacred Breeze Community Gathering was held on April 7th 2024. During the gathering, we read the community identity statement, we lifted up concerns and gratitudes, and we shared a contemplative meditation practice. Insights were discussed regarding who Sacred Breeze is and why we are here. The video of the gathering can be viewed […]
In “Liminal Verses,” Bruce Alderman invites readers into an intimate, thirty year dialog with the sacred and the self, set in the rich theater of the natural world. The poems span four significant periods of Bruce’s life, capturing moments of transformation and transition. From the struggles and mystical awakenings at a private Christian university, through […]