All Sacred Breeze Content

Community Gathering 240707
Author: admin - Published Date: Jul 9 2024

Please click image to view video. During our Community Gathering, we share our Community Identity Statement, we lift up Community Concerns and Gratitudes, we share an Insight, and we share a guided meditation to help stabilize the mind and release suffering. Our Insight for this gathering was entitled “Inclusive Love in an Exclusive World”, and […]

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Insight: Inclusive Love in an Exclusive World 240707
Author: Dave Miller - Published Date: Jul 9 2024

Please Click on Image to View Video. A large percentage of the population in the US, and indeed in all Democracy based western countries, have found reason to identify with exclusivist political ideologies that promote nationalist agendas.   Another way to express this is that a large percentage of the population of Western Democracies have taken […]

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Community Gathering 240602 Power of Spirit
Author: admin - Published Date: Jun 2 2024

The Second Sacred Breeze Community Gathering was held on 6/2/24. To view the video of the gathering, please visit The insight shared during this gathering discussed the values and challenges of faith, and has also been posted in the insights page of this website at During the gathering, as always we read the community identity […]

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The Power of Spirit from 240602 Gathering
Author: admin - Published Date: Jun 2 2024

Power of Faith Insight Shared at the Community Gathering of June 2 2024 The Video for this insight can be viewed at Greetings everyone, and welcome to the Sacred Breeze Insight entitled the Power of the Spirit of unconditional inclusive love.  In the last insight that was shared, the value of faith in unconditional, […]

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Community Gathering 240505 Value of Faith
Author: admin - Published Date: May 23 2024

The Second Sacred Breeze Community Gathering was held on 5/5/24. To view the video of the gathering, please visit The insight shared during this gathering discussed the values and challenges of faith, and has also been posted in the insights page of this website at During the gathering, as always we read the […]

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The Value and Challenges of Faith from 240505 Gathering
Author: admin - Published Date: May 5 2024

As humans, we lift up what we value.  And we do so within the context of our lives, the customs and cultures we are familiar with.  Within the cultures of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and all others, there are many people who lift up the values of inclusive and unconditional love. 

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What is Sacred Breeze All About?
Author: admin - Published Date: Apr 10 2024

Please click image to view video. If you look at our website at, you may notice that we are not specifically Christian, not specifically Buddhist, in fact not specifically anything other than Spirit centered.  Our goal is not to build a new faith.  Our goal is to seek out and embrace the Spirit of […]

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Community Gathering Video from April 7th 2024
Author: admin - Published Date: Apr 10 2024

Our first Sacred Breeze Community Gathering was held on April 7th 2024. During the gathering, we read the community identity statement, we lifted up concerns and gratitudes, and we shared a contemplative meditation practice. Insights were discussed regarding who Sacred Breeze is and why we are here. The video of the gathering can be viewed […]

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Liminal Verses
Author: admin - Published Date: Mar 14 2024

In “Liminal Verses,” Bruce Alderman invites readers into an intimate, thirty year dialog with the sacred and the self, set in the rich theater of the natural world. The poems span four significant periods of Bruce’s life, capturing moments of transformation and transition. From the struggles and mystical awakenings at a private Christian university, through […]

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Local Gathering Liturgical Order
Author: Dave Miller - Published Date: Dec 18 2023

– Greeting and Announcements – Community Identity Statement (Community can take turns reading each statement. Statement can be found under the Gatherings page. – Announcements. – Lifting up of community concerns – Recognition and acceptance of the existential and individual challenges we and others face as human beings. – Lifting up of the Spirit that […]

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