Welcome! On Line Sacred Breeze Community Gatherings are announced and hilited here. A Community Identity statement is provided below. Insights shared during gatherings are shared on the Insights page. If you would like to receive emailed notifications of upcoming gatherings, please register on our Connect page. Have a Blessed Day!
1. Sacred Breeze Community is love centered and inclusive. All who wish to be a part of our community are welcome. 2. We celebrate Spirit, source of life and consciousness, that abides, comforts, and inspires love, healing, reconciliation, community, and creative gifts. 3. We celebrate the inherent sacred worth of every human being and every […]
Please click image to view video. During our Community Gathering, we share our Community Identity Statement, we lift up Community Concerns and Gratitudes, we share an Insight, and we share a guided meditation to help stabilize the mind and release suffering. Our Insight for this gathering was entitled “Is God Real?”, and can be read […]
Please click image to view video. During our Community Gathering, we share our Community Identity Statement, we lift up Community Concerns and Gratitudes, we share an Insight, and we share a guided meditation to help stabilize the mind and release suffering. Our Insight for this gathering was entitled “Inclusive Love in an Exclusive World”, and […]
Hello! My name is Dave Miller, and I’m the Director of Sacred Breeze Ministries LLC. I’d like to invite you to our next community gathering on Sunday, August 4th at 8:00 AM EDT. During the gathering we will do a little contemplation, a little meditation, and we will discuss the question IS GOD REAL? It […]
The Second Sacred Breeze Community Gathering was held on 6/2/24. To view the video of the gathering, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz7hiBa3QxI The insight shared during this gathering discussed the values and challenges of faith, and has also been posted in the insights page of this website at https://sacredbreeze.org/the-power-of-spirit-from-240602-gathering/ During the gathering, as always we read the community identity […]
The Second Sacred Breeze Community Gathering was held on 5/5/24. To view the video of the gathering, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMHfugJ-Hoo. The insight shared during this gathering discussed the values and challenges of faith, and has also been posted in the insights page of this website at https://sacredbreeze.org/the-value-and-challenges-of-faith-from-240505-gathering/ During the gathering, as always we read the […]
Our first Sacred Breeze Community Gathering was held on April 7th 2024. During the gathering, we read the community identity statement, we lifted up concerns and gratitudes, and we shared a contemplative meditation practice. Insights were discussed regarding who Sacred Breeze is and why we are here. The video of the gathering can be viewed […]